Thursday, February 22, 2007

In Search of the Plan

Chapter 4.
The New Gods

I tapped into one of my many ME's yesterday. It was nearly 80 years ago, and I was somewhere in a newly developing American city. Chicago I think. A poet, on the underground scene. Fingers snapping, dark rooms and smoke filled cafes. Green lights and ashtrays. The ceiling fans set to a motion so slow that its only purpose was to bring un unending sense of movement in the room. And it made me wonder...

Is it that I was more patient with mankind because I was an incredibly FAT bastard once?

Seventy two, once I was, When children played in the sand
What year, what number
I can't quite remember
This member of earth held the world in his hand

I saw their mothers all wicked and learning
Of forth coming days of hell
The priests would yell
Their gods, they fell
When this member of earth held the world in his hand

The coming of ages they called it so well
The dying of ages of long since past
The forming of wages of work so fast
It would break the mould
Of days of old

And form would the buildings of houses of men
Who went higher and higher in search of the plan
It was then that he realised how needed it was
That this member of earth kept the world in his hand

The people they fought, for gold, for space
And cut off their heads for name and race
There were soldiers and leaders and a fear with no face
A fear in their hearts that sat in its place

They bled to please, to honour their gods,
The gods that live in the towers of steel
The gods that give you your every meal
And their godliness still, you pretend not to feel

For how can you feel that which you can not see
And how can you see what you will not believe
Are these the new gods? How could they be?
For calling them such, surely blasphemy

But they bend men at will, command all life and death
Their angels, the ones who will carry their brand
And take over lands, with the strain of a breath
To mix it all up, the blood, the sand

So watch for the people, their smiling faces
Ruining your faith, in a scheme so grand
It may take you decades to finally remember
You are the one with the world in your hand

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