Saturday, February 17, 2007


Chapter 1.
The SAB scriber

It's been 23 and a half years since my last birth. This time, it's 1983. What a time to be just a baby. Too old to be in the foetal position, and not old enough to join the hippie movement in America, smoke drugs, and end up dead in a bathroom.... the foetal position.

My folks tell me I've been bothering people ever since I could say the word Mother Fucker. It was the 4th word I learnt. Right after "Mother", "Food" and "Why Not?". They tell me I learnt Mother Fucker only seconds after Why Not. Something about the answer I got. The conversation went something like this:


Yes beta?


No beta.

Why Not?

Because you just ate your kid sister.

Mother Fucker.

I'm not a comedian. Not professionally anyway. I don't like going to rehearsals. I don't exchange ideas, because I think I'm wasting people's time with them. I don't practice. I don't have the patience. And I hate blogs. But I now have one.

It takes real energy for me to do what I do. Which is nothing. I talk.

I talk about everything. From video games to movies to music to food to ideas to opinions and my opinions of those opinions. Often enough I talk to myself, because I feel I'm the only one who understands. I hope to no end, that I will be proven wrong.

This is the first time I've ever used a blog. More often than that I've visited other blogs and made rude comments at people who type comments under the name Anonymous. After that, I wait. And when someone agrees with me, I ruin them for trying to side with a complete stranger against a person they don't even know. I don't like it when people side together for a so called worthy cause. There's always somebody who jumps on the bandwagon to get laid by a liberal. And he succeeds. And the cause doesn't. It's the way of the world. My ideal tells me to be a good man, and should every single person on the planet do it the way I've seen you do 2000 years ago, we won't need clubs, or asscociations or companies or groups of any kind to make us feel better about ourselves through that over rated sense of self we love so much called, "The sense, of BELONGING".

Then I play a violin insrumental from Max Payne, and talk to myself about how impressionable minds can be tricked into following anything that's been decided as COOL to do or say by a larger number of people.


Your comments are welcome. Your hostility will be punished. And the posting of too many opinions is not advised. I am your friend, your lover, your brother, your soul. Please, do not force me to also be, your daddy. We will try to figure out what the real problem in this world is. Good, bad, rich, poor. Why people die, why people hurt, and when it's okay to laugh about it.

This Book belongs to all of you, no less than it belongs to me.

We will talk about life, we will talk about love, if you're a hot chick we will even hold hands. And hopefully, I will learn as much as everyone, about what the point really is.

I talk about everything. I am, the SAB scriber.


Posts and articles in the Archives will get funnier over time. This is the author's first attempt at blog writing, and he prefers to live life by the trial and error method set by his own standards over the years. Much like the first work of any writer, this space is the foothold of an ideal, no matter how crude or unrefined it may seem, all references in the Archives of the Book Of Lodhism from this end on will be continually improving records for everyone to learn from.

This blog is a first attempt, and just like the writers first theatrical play, he does not expect anyone to like it.

Or even turn up.

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